Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Grails Web Info - dated?

I have been working on a Grails project for the last few weeks. Form my previous posts, you can see that I am working with a legacy database with my primary table configured with a composite primary key.

I've been struggling with the insert and update aspects of writing to the database. Now, in all fairness I am not extremely familiar with Hibernate so I am relying on documentation and information from the web.

One challenge with the information on the web is that a lot of the posts are out of date. When I read anything earlier that the 2nd half of 2007, I tend to not take the suggestions. Many of those tell you to configure your hibernate.cfg.xml file. However, since version 1.0 of Grails many of those configuration options are available within the domain class.

One feature I just discovered from CK's Blog was the composite key setting "generator='assigned'" which is not in the Grails documentation.

Now to give this a spin...

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