Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Grails Persistence with GORM & GSQL

A couple days ago I received the Grails Persistence with GORM and GSQL by Robert Fisher published by APress http://apress.com/book/view/1430219262.

At first I was surprised that it was a total of 156 pages (I was pleased that I didn't have to work my way through yet another 700 page book).

As the title indicates this is focused on one of the greatest assets of Grails, GORM. When working with GORM, you really need examples and options to help you with common data query and dataset organization tasks, this book provides that.

In a nutshell, if you are working on a Grails project, this book will provide you with a concise reference with great code examples of valuable GORM features that you will refer back to.

Introduction to Grails Course

Chariot Solutions is offering a 1 day Introduction to Grails course see: http://chariotsolutions.com/learn/intrograils for details.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Groovy and Grails Magazine

I just started reading the Groovy and Grails magazine and I would highly recommend it for Groovy and Grails enthusiasts.

Check it out at http://groovymag.com

Monday, January 12, 2009

Philadelphia Emerging Tech Conference

Checkout the Philadelphia Emerging Technology Conference
March 26-27, 2009

Jeff Brown from SpringSource will be speaking:
Co-Author, The Definitive Guide To Grails Second Edition